走进我们 2024/25 球衣拍摄的幕后花絮

走进我们 2024/25 球衣拍摄的幕后花絮

下赛季的主场球衣现已上线,您可以通过我们的幕后报道抢先观看酋长球场的照片。立即购买您的 2024/25 赛季主场球衣我们的俱乐部摄影师和摄像师与玩家可以捕捉所有的准备工作,包括一路上的一些笑声!滚动浏览图像,然后单击上面视频的“播放”以了解幕后花絮。

David Raya's safe hands are now in possession of the Premier League Golden Glove award for 2023/24 after keeping more clean sheets than any other top-flight goalkeeper.The Spanish international’s fine form between our posts has seen him register 16 clean sheets in just 31 appearances so far this term, putting him comfortably in the lead ahead of his fellow shot-stoppers, many of whom have played more games:It is just the third time a Gunners keeper has won the Golden Glove, which was introduced in 2004/05. Wojciech Szczesny’s 16 clean sheets in 2013/14 saw him tie with Chelsea’s Petr Cech, while following his move to north London Cech was the winner two seasons later when he also recorded 16.Only eight goalkeepers have managed to keep the opposition at bay more often in their debut campaign with a club in the division's history, with David potentially able to climb higher in the rankings and also break Cech's club record in the process:To also put David's achievements into context, only David Seaman has kept more shutouts in a season for us in the Premier League era:

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