节目说明Virgil van Dijk:这将是激动人心的 - 让我们让它变得特别。维吉尔·范戴克在周日利物浦主场迎战狼队时描述了他预计会发生的“令人心酸”的时刻之前的情绪。

节目说明Virgil van Dijk:这将是激动人心的 - 让我们让它变得特别。维吉尔·范戴克在周日利物浦主场迎战狼队时描述了他预计会发生的“令人心酸”的时刻之前的情绪。

安菲尔德的比赛将是尤尔根·克洛普作为红军主教练的最后一场精彩统治,也是几位教练组成员以及球员乔尔·马蒂普和蒂亚戈·阿尔坎塔拉的告别。队长范戴克在他的比赛计划说明中解释了他的赞赏对于那些离开俱乐部的人,以及为什么它为赛季决赛提供了更多动力。“周日对于与利物浦足球俱乐部相关的每个人来说显然是一个特殊的日子,”4 号说道。“本赛季的最后一场比赛总是无论如何,这都是一个特殊的时刻,但这一次会更加令人心酸,因为我们还将向一些为这个俱乐部付出了如此多的不可思议的人道别。“每个人都知道我对主帅的看法。他是把我带到利物浦的主教练,他赋予了我如此多的责任,他让我成为了这支球队的重要组成部分,他教会了我很多东西。这只是个人层面上的。对于球队和整个俱乐部来说,他已经做了很多事情,而他接手的利物浦和他留下的利物浦之间的差距也大得不能再大了。

“To put it into context, when he arrived here Liverpool was a club that longed to compete for trophies and aimed to be in the Champions League. When he departs it will be at the end of a season in which we won a trophy and qualified for the Champions League, but we are all asking ourselves whether it could have been even better. This is without even mentioning all of the success and incredible moments we enjoyed in between.“Ever since the gaffer announced that he would leave at the end of the season I have been pretty open about the fact that Sunday will be a pretty tough day emotionally. Of course we are professional and will put all of that to one side as we try to end the campaign on a high, but at the same time it makes sense that we acknowledge what our feelings are going to be about people who mean so much to us.“This is true of everyone we know to be leaving from members of the coaching staff – Pep, Vitor, Pete, John, Jack, the two Andreas and Ray – plus great players in Joel Matip and Thiago Alcantara. The contribution each of these individuals has made to our club could not be overstated and as captain I know I speak for all of the lads when I say we could not be more appreciative of their efforts.“There is not enough space in this programme for me to list their achievements, their impact and their value so I will just say that individually and collectively, as people and as professionals, they will all be missed.“We never, ever need an additional incentive to win a game for this club, but we have one anyway so we may as well use it as there is no question that these guys deserve to go out on a high if at all possible.

“We know that no matter what happens we cannot finish any higher or lower than third in the league, but there is more than enough motivation to go for the win, particularly as we will be playing in front of our own supporters at Anfield. I don’t care how long anyone is at Liverpool, if you are fortunate enough to play at this stadium in any game, you want to win it. Quite rightly, the supporters – and ourselves for that matter – wouldn’t have it any other way.“The fact that the fans drive us on like this week in and week out at grounds all over the country and beyond, no matter what the circumstances, is something that always makes a massive difference.“We felt it at Villa Park again on Monday night and there were times when it felt and sounded like a home game. I said afterwards that we really appreciate this support and I want to take the opportunity to underline that sentiment.“After Sunday, it will be a couple of months or so before we are all back together again and there are going to be some changes in the meantime, but I hope everyone has a good summer whether they are staying with us or moving on. “Sunday is the end of an era in many ways, but it is also the start of a new future in others so we should appreciate what we have had and look forward to what is still to come. For me, this starts with showing our gratitude to some incredible servants to this club and wishing them well. This is the least that they deserve.”

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