杰西·帕克的 20 个问题

杰西·帕克的 20 个问题





What's your worst habit?Probably leaving towels on the floor. You'll always go into a room and see a towel that I've just left. I'm really bad at that.

What makes you most angry?

Probably when something's not put where it's supposed to be. Or something stupid like when a light's been left on.

Who's your biggest influence?

In football terms, I'm inspired by Messi. How he's so creative with the ball. In life, I'd say my mum and dad.

How do you react under pressure?

Normally in pressurised situations I actually like it but if there's too much pressure I might crumble a little bit. 

When do you feel most at ease?

Probably when I'm with my friends and family. Just chilling.

What do you dream about when you sleep?

All sorts. I've had some weird dreams. Random things that don't make sense.

What's your favourite phrase or word?'It is what it is.'

What reminds you of home?

I'd say when you walk into someone's house and it's dead clean and tidy. My mum loves clean and tidy so if I go into a house and someone asks me to take my shoes off that reminds me most of home.

Are you superstitious about anything?

No, not really.

What makes you cry?

Sad films. Anything that's a bit sad – or a bit happy – I'll cry at it.

Which song makes you feel good?

These are such hard questions! I haven't thought about that in ages. Nothing springs to mind, not sure.

What would you say is your biggest obstacle?As I've got older and more experienced it's improved but I'd still say on-pitch confidence.

Where's your favourite place in the world?

Menorca. That was our holiday when I grew up, my parents always took us.

What's your most valuable possession?

I have this headband that one of my auntie's friends gave me as a kid. I didn't like to wear my hair tied up in a bobble when I played football but obviously it was quite long and it's just been a thing I've kept hold of.

What's your worst fear?

Probably the unknown.

How would you like to be remembered?

For being a good person.

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