比赛报道基尔南上演帽子戏法,帮助利物浦女足战胜莱斯特城夺得第四名。利安·基尔南 (Leanne Kiernan) 上演帽子戏法,帮助利物浦女足 4-0 战胜莱斯特城,锁定 2023-24 赛季第四名的成绩。

比赛报道基尔南上演帽子戏法,帮助利物浦女足战胜莱斯特城夺得第四名。利安·基尔南 (Leanne Kiernan) 上演帽子戏法,帮助利物浦女足 4-0 战胜莱斯特城,锁定 2023-24 赛季第四名的成绩。

周六下午在王权体育场举行的本赛季最后一场比赛中,苏菲·罗曼·豪格 (Sophie Roman Haug) 的头球帮助红军取得领先。基尔南 (Kiernan) 在下半场表现出色,打进三个精彩进球,为马特·比尔德 (Matt Beard) 的球队带来了一场压倒性的胜利。结果确保她们在巴克莱女子超级联赛中获得第四名,这是俱乐部自 2017 年以来的最高成绩。

利物浦完全适应了他们的节奏,并在开球后两分钟内击中门框米娅·恩德比 (Mia Enderby) 被犯规后,玛丽·霍宾格 (Marie Höbinger) 踢出一脚漂亮的任意球,从“D”字形看起来总是很危险,但被门将和横梁联手挡出。客队在第 7 分钟就首开纪录。不过,泰勒·海因兹 (Taylor Hinds) 有时间和空间从左路形成传中,她充分利用了这一机会,将一记完美的球飘向罗曼·豪格 (Roman Haug) 的头顶,后者冷静地将球点回左下角。双方都在赛季末的比赛中表现得有些自由,红军需要几次巧妙的拦截来阻止莱斯特城突破。就在半小时前,霍宾格的一次射门被挡出,然后向前移动恩德比在禁区内切入宝田纱织。艾玛·科伊维斯托(Emma Koivisto)为俱乐部最后一次出场,不久后提出了点球上诉。边后卫认为她带球进入禁区被朱莉·蒂博非法阻止,但裁判不同意。半场临近时,双方都有射门命中目标,雷切尔·劳斯(Rachael Laws)扑出了定位球,贾尼娜·莱茨格(Janina Leitzig)塞里·霍兰 (Ceri Holland) 在一次冲球和击球后被挡出。There were shots on target at each end as half-time loomed, with Rachael Laws pawing away a set-piece effort and Janina Leitzig denying Ceri Holland after a driving run and strike.

Liverpool were in control when the second half began and another Holland foray into space on the left flank saw her cross evade Enderby in front of goal.Höbinger wasn’t too far away with a side-footed curler from just outside the box after stealing possession from Takarada.But they got their second goal in minute 66, with Kiernan netting within moments of being sent on from the bench by Beard.Third time was the charm for Holland attacking via the left, the Wales international’s delivery into the centre glanced home by Kiernan.There were a pair of notable substitutions, with Melissa Lawley making her last appearance before departing the Reds this summer and Zara Shaw – back involved after a long-term injury – achieving a debut.And there was still time for two more Liverpool goals, Kiernan first pouncing on a long pass, beating the final defender and firing through the grasp of Leitzig.The striker then completed her hat-trick four minutes into stoppage time, carrying the ball the length of the opposition half and planting it into the bottom corner to put the icing on a fourth consecutive WSL victory.Liverpool: Laws, Koivisto, Fisk, Bonner, Clark, Hinds (Parry, 46), Nagano (Shaw, 76), Holland, Höbinger (Kearns, 72), Enderby (Kiernan, 65), Roman H. (Lawley, 72).Unused subs: Spencer, Daniels, Leath.

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