

在我们正在进行的系列赛的最新一期中,轮到玛雅·勒蒂西尔选择她最喜欢的英格兰十一人了。这位曼联后卫曾与多位2022年欧洲杯冠军一起在国际比赛中出场,并在随后的同一场比赛中完成了她的成年队首秀。历年是在温布利的胜利。随后,她被列入萨琳娜·维格曼 (Sarina Wiegman) 去年夏天澳大利亚和新西兰世界杯的候补名单。不出所料,她选择的球队中有一些现任队友,以及过去的传奇人物和一些球员。男球员。守门员:玛丽·厄普斯


2016年阿森纳击败切尔西时,我实际上把足总杯奖杯交给了亚历克斯。当时我14岁。丹·卡特进球了,他后来成为我在布莱顿的队友。我永远不会忘记,因为当我参加 2023 年决赛时,她也在场,这太奇怪了。我会让亚历克斯担任我的四后卫。

Centre-back: Steph Houghton

When I was younger I looked up to Steph so much. She was the player I wanted to be like. She was really, really good.

Centre-back: Rio Ferdinand

Rio was Man Utd as well so I'll get him in there. He was always a big performer for England and one of the best in his position in the world.

Left-back: Lucy Bronze

She might be out of position but Bronzey has to be in my team. She's been incredible for England for such a long time.

Centre-midfield: Steven Gerrard

I loved the way Gerrard played the game. The work ethic, the goals he scored. You knew that your team were never out of the game when he was on the pitch. He was just great.

Centre-midfield: Jude Bellingham

Jude is insane. Completely insane. What a player. And it should only be the start of his journey in an England shirt.

Centre-midfield: Alex Scott

I'm picking two Alex Scotts in my team. The male Alex Scott will play for England one day, 100%, so I might as well get that one in early and say I called it. We're both from Guernsey, we grew up really close together and played for the same team. We spent a lot of time together as kids.

Right-wing: David BeckhamBeckham is an all-time England icon. He has to be in down the right. His free-kicks would be enough to get him in the side but he was also a great captain and played all over the world.Striker: Kelly Smith

She's a legend. She scored so many goals for England. Playing for nearly 20 years at senior level is an incredible effort and she is someone the current Lionesses aspire to be as successful as.

Left-wing: Lauren Hemp

Hempy is still such a good performer for England. She played a massive role at the Euros and in the World Cup and is another who I hope has much more still to do for the Lionesses.

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