

萨琳娜·维格曼 (Sarina Wiegman) 在宣布今年夏天 2025 年欧洲杯预选赛的 28 人阵容后,于周二接受了媒体采访。母狮队将在本月底和下月初与法国队进行两场比赛,然后对阵共和国队七月的爱尔兰和瑞典。维格曼解释了阿吉·比弗-琼斯的首次征召,以及她作为英格兰主帅对阵法国队的第一场比赛对法国队的期望。这是她不得不说的。关于为两场比赛选择阵容…我们已经了解这个日历有一段时间了,我们知道它非常具有挑战性。我们之前没有经历过没有锦标赛的时期,但我们确实有一个五月至六月的窗口和一个七月的窗口,所以这是不同的。这就是我们决定采取的方法。训练营之间有几周的时间,球员们可以去度假放松。他们是职业球员,他们知道什么适合自己,我认为适当的休息非常好。我更希望他们留在欧洲而不是去世界的另一边,但最重要的是他们回来时身体健康、精神焕发。

On the return of Millie Bright…

It seems like a long time since Millie was with us. She's very happy to start playing again after a period of injury and rehab. She has two more games for Chelsea and then she'll come to camp. I'm very happy. This is what she has been working for all this time. We all hoped she would be back earlier but I'm really happy this is the moment she can come.

On Rachel Daly's international retirement…

I had many conversations with Rachel before she made this decision. I already miss her, to be honest. She's such a nice person and a great personality. But it's the reality now and we have to move on. It was very strange not having her in the squad because all the time since I came here she was with us. I think it's powerful that she said, 'No, this is where it finishes for me now'.

On fixture congestion…

It is a talking point all the time. Of course that's why we have conversations with the players and I always say that we have to keep talking to each other. We have to listen to players first and of course we're in a professional environment. It's all about competing but also then get a balance between that and having some time off to rest and go again. In this period of the season prizes are being won and it's very intense.

On a first call-up for Aggie Beever-Jones…

Aggie has shown a great improvement. Last year she was at Everton on loan and she came into the Chelsea squad and she's doing really well. She's a very open person who wants to develop every single day on the pitch. When we had our February camp she came to the training sessions with some of the other Under-23 players and did well there too. I'm looking forward to working with her.

On what she's expecting from the France double-header… It's a huge test. I think France have been playing really well and they're in a good place. They are third in the rankings. They’re a very physical team, lots of qualities, lots of options to play. We haven't played them since I came in so I'm excited to play them. It's a very different opponent but it's going to be two very tough games.

On a tough qualification group…

This is what we wanted. We have a very hard group but we wanted challenging games that are unpredictable. We have had qualifying games in the past where we knew we were going to win the game but we just didn't know by how much. Now we don't how it's going to look by July.

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