

“首先也是最重要的——事实上是第一、第二和最后——周日是比赛日,”老板写道。 “我们不能也不会忽视这一点。自从我来到这里以来,已经有很多很多比赛发生了其他事情,但绝对的规则是,从第一声哨声到终场哨声,我们尽一切努力打好比赛利物浦足球。“这是我们对自己和支持者的最低要求。它并不能保证我们取得积极的结果,但它确实提高了我们实现这一目标的机会,因此追求它是有意义的。之后,我们可以享受这个时刻,但生意始终是第一位的,并且始终是首要任务。


"If space allowed I could write name after name of people who I need to thank but there has never been a match programme of this size, so I will have to be more general. I could not be more appreciative of the players past and present who have served this club in the nine years that I have been here. "What they have achieved in that time is special, not just in terms of the moments they have created and the success they have had, but also in the way they have underlined what it is to represent LFC."This will be the final time that we will see two of them – Joel Matip and Thiago Alcantara – at Anfield and I know they will be given the send-off that they deserve. "You do not need me to tell you what they have achieved as individuals, you have experienced it all at first hand and as with others who have left us in recent seasons, they have more than made their mark on this club during a period which I think has been memorable for all of us."This will also be the end of an era for several members of our coaching and backroom staff who will also move on. To put it simply, I could not have more appreciation for the work that has been done by Pep Lijnders, Peter Krawietz, Vitor Matos, John Achterberg, Jack Robinson, Andreas Kornmayer, Andreas Schlumberger and Ray Haughan. "Obviously we all wish them well for the future but the good wishes come in the knowledge that they are all brilliant professionals who I have no doubt will succeed whatever they do next."The big positive for Liverpool is that no matter who is leaving, the club is still in a very, very good place. This season we aimed for the moon and ended up in the stars which is never too bad and the players and staff who are remaining are top, top class. "Yes, they will have new leadership before too long but this is a club that is ready to take the journey in a new and exciting direction, not one that is ready for the journey to come to an end."This is what I have always known Liverpool to be – a club of journeys and adventures, some that end with trophies and some that don't but whatever happens there are always stories and moments that are unforgettable. "In my time here we have been blessed with quite a few and it is important that I stress that what we have done has always been underpinned by stable, intelligent and creative ownership. Again, I could not be more grateful for this but I am also excited because I know that this will continue going forward and that can only be good news for Liverpool FC."Finally, to the supporters I have only thanks and love. Everything that we have done has been because of you, with you and for you. I have referred many times to the banner on the Kop which says Unity Is Strength and I think this is a belief that we have all lived up to. "The important thing now is that it continues so that my successor can have the same benefits of it as I've had. After Sunday I will be a supporter too, so hopefully I can play my part in that."I have never walked alone. You will never walk alone. LFC will never walk alone."Thank you Luv."

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