

苏格兰超级联赛2024 年 5 月 18 日星期六凯尔特人公园球场,圣米伦凯尔特人...3(奥莱利 21, 京果 37, 帕尔马 86)圣米伦...2(奥哈拉 7 & 24 )这是天堂球场值得铭记的奖杯日,凯尔特人以 3-2 战胜圣米伦,结束了另一场夺冠之旅。球迷们向乔·哈特最后一次出现在凯尔特人公园球场致敬,场面激动人心。圣诞老人特别现身球场,为凯尔特人捧起奖杯,布伦丹·罗杰斯的球队在阳光照耀凯尔特人的日子举起了奖杯。 90分钟的比赛中,凯尔特人开局不错,史蒂芬·威尔士比赛一开始就凭借角球头球破门。但客队在第7分钟取得领先。基努·巴克斯 (Keanu Baccus) 的一记长传在禁区附近反弹,然后落在马克·奥哈拉 (Mark O’Hara) 手中,后者以一脚漂亮的射门入网。仅仅 10 多分钟后,凯尔特人队扳平比分。马特·奥莱利(Matt O'Riley)在禁区内找到了京吾(Kyogo),尽管这位日本前锋无法控制住皮球,但球还是传给了奥莱利(O'Riley),奥莱利将球打入了球网。片刻之后,比分转向了对日本队有利的方向。客队再次迎来客队,奥哈拉的名字再次出现在进球表上,这次是在威尔士队因在禁区内对 Toyosi Olusanya 犯规而受到处罚后,奥哈拉在点球点上得分。第 34 分钟,篮球队以精彩的进球进行了反击第二次扳平比分。Reo Hatate 和 Kyogo 在右路配合得很好,Hatate 在边路突破,然后将球打过门柱,Kyogo 正在等待将球打回家。凯尔特人队有机会几乎立刻就取得了领先,但这一次京吾的传中被路易斯·帕尔马头球攻门稍稍偏出。

The 60,000 Celtic fans packed in to Paradise sang Joe Hart’s name as he left the pitch at half-time and as he re-emerged for the second half, he was greeted by a banner displaying his likeness and the words ‘SUPER JOE HART’, a tribute which clearly moved the Englishman.There were fewer opportunities in the second-half, although Maik Nawrocki came up with a great last-ditch challenge to deny Olusanya a goalscoring opportunity to keep the game level.With just under five minutes to go, the Celts took the lead for the first time in the game.A cute back-heel from Matt O’Riley gave Anthony Ralston the chance to get a cross in to the box, and his ball to the back post was slotted home by Luis Palma.Joe Hart came off with moments of the match to go, which was an invitation for Paradise to pay tribute to the Celtic No. 1 for the last time.The incredible standing ovation that he received was a testament to the impact that Hart has made in his three years at the club.When the full-time whistle went, anticipation grew in the stadium as supporters awaited the arrival of the league trophy, and the silverware was brought out by Santa Claus himself. This time, he received the reception at Paradise that he deserves… if you know, you know.And with that, the 2023/24 Scottish Premiership season is over and it ends in the way that it so often does.For the 12th time in 13 years, for the 54th time in Celtic’s history and for the third consecutive season – Celtic are Champions, again.

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