ClubLFC 与 UPS 合作开设了最先进的国际零售配送中心。 利物浦足球俱乐部已正式开设其首个国际配送中心,帮助确保为球迷更快、更便宜、更高效地交付零售订单。

ClubLFC 与 UPS 合作开设了最先进的国际零售配送中心。 利物浦足球俱乐部已正式开设其首个国际配送中心,帮助确保为球迷更快、更便宜、更高效地交付零售订单。

新的最先进的仓库位于荷兰鲁尔蒙德,与俱乐部的官方全球物流和运输合作伙伴 UPS 合作。多客户履行中心通过 10,001 个太阳能电池板和 100% 可再生能源运行。将使俱乐部的零售部门能够最好地支持其雄心勃勃的国际战略。

LFC currently ships to 180 different countries, with 16 standalone club stores across the world providing the global fanbase with official LFC merchandise. UPS’ global integrated network will strengthen LFC’s global retail and e-commerce business, delivering benefits to Reds supporters.The club’s distribution centre on Merseyside will remain open and at full capacity, as it continues to process orders and deliver club merchandise to UK fans. The centre will be upgraded with new technology systems and additional training for staff.

Mike Cox, senior vice-president of merchandising at LFC, said: “We’re thrilled to be opening our first ever international fulfilment centre to support our retail business.“We have ambitious plans for international growth and the opening of this new state-of-the-art complex in the Netherlands is central to our strategy and those plans. This new site will help us serve our growing international markets and will complement our existing site right here on Merseyside.“We are also delighted to work with our official partner UPS on this exciting development and use their expertise in logistics, technology and cost-effectiveness to deliver an improved and lower-cost shopping experience to our supporters.”Susanne Klingler-Werner, president of UPS Supply Chain Solutions Europe, said: “Our partnership with Liverpool Football Club represents the winning blend of innovation and passion.“By leveraging our cutting-edge automated warehousing and transportation capabilities powered by sustainability-focused solutions, we’re not just streamlining logistics, but also driving the spirit of teamwork and dedication both on and off the field.”The new space will facilitate the full LFC official merchandise collection, including the new 2024-25 home kit, which is out now alongside shirt printing with club, Premier League and Barclays Women’s Super League fonts plus additional patches that include LFC Foundation and Champions League.

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