新闻“这对我来说意义重大”——为什么 2023-24 年对乔·戈麦斯来说意义重大。 乔·戈麦斯谈到了在 2023-24 赛季持续为利物浦效力对他来说意义重大。

新闻“这对我来说意义重大”——为什么 2023-24 年对乔·戈麦斯来说意义重大。 乔·戈麦斯谈到了在 2023-24 赛季持续为利物浦效力对他来说意义重大。

这位二号球员在整个赛季中出场 51 次,这是他在俱乐部效力 9 年来的最高出场次数,仅比前三个赛季的总出场次数少 13 次。红军举起了卡拉宝杯,并在英超联赛中获得第三名,确保重返欧洲冠军联赛。在个人层面上,这名后卫的状态也为他赢得了英格兰队的召回。On a personal level, the defender’s form has also earned him a recall to the England fold.

“It means a lot to me,” Gomez told The Anfield Wrap of his availability. “Everyone knows my history and what I’ve been through [with injuries].“More than anything, trying to come over that and just prove I can be there every week, it’s no mean feat. The Premier League is relentless and the way we play and the intensity we play with, it’s high level, that’s what we’re known for.“That’s something that was big on my agenda: just being available and making sure I can play my part if needed and called upon. I obviously have to be meticulous about my approach. That’s why I’m thankful for the club and the staff we have here, the infrastructure in place to help us perform at our best.“Obviously over time I’ve learned a lot about myself, how to approach and the one per cents, doing the little things that add up: nutrition, sleep, recovery. I enjoy that stuff, I enjoy the process. And then when you get on the pitch you just have to do what you can.“Just being available, for me means a lot because then you can help the team and be a part of things. Not being part of things in the past, it hurts, and that’s all we want to do as players. No-one wants to get injured and no-one wants to not play their part.“I’ve enjoyed it. It’s been tough at times obviously but it’s been a great journey.”

Gomez was deployed in multiple positions by Jürgen Klopp during the season, including in the middle and on both flanks of the back line but also on occasion in a deep-lying midfield spot.And he increasingly considers his versatility as a badge of honour.“I’ve obviously said before I’m a centre-half [but] I think this season has taught me I just want to enjoy playing football, I don’t necessarily need to box myself in,” said the 27-year-old.“Obviously I still feel like I can contribute well at centre-half, but I’ve definitely enjoyed my football. For me, that comes first. Just trying to help the team. I definitely wouldn’t say, ‘No, gaffer, I don’t want to play another position.’“The main thing is just giving your all for the badge. And wherever that is, I’m definitely in a phase of my career where I’m more accepting to whatever that may be, I’m not as young and hard-headed about ‘I need to play centre-half’.“A lot of it is your mindset and the way you approach the game. Me approaching it this year with a more open mind and just trying to do my best for the team and contribute however possible.“Because there has been a lot of change, the positions have not been standard at times and there has been alterations tactically – and that’s just the way the game is heading, but in a way I have enjoyed that challenge. It keeps it fresh, it keeps it exciting.“Everyone wants consistency but I’ll be open, I definitely won’t box it in or shut that door. I just want to give my all and wherever that is, that is.”

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