

布伦丹·罗杰斯喜欢苏格兰杯——作为凯尔特人主教练,他赢得了所有 17 场比赛。他喜欢汉普顿,在 10 场比赛中尚未在国家体育场尝到失败的滋味。作为凯尔特人的支持者,他非常了解俱乐部的历史,包括 5 月 25 日在凯尔特人故事中的重要性。因此,他带领篮球队于 2024 年 5 月 25 日在汉普顿取得另一场苏格兰杯胜利,确保了冠军头衔,这也许并不奇怪。在此过程中双冠王。亚当·伊达最后一刻的进球足以以 1-0 击败流浪者队为俱乐部带来更多奖杯。毫不奇怪,凯尔特人主教练对比赛的结果感到高兴比赛和赛季取得了成功,赢得了英超冠军和苏格兰杯。在汉普顿获胜后接受凯尔特人电视台采访时,布伦丹·罗杰斯说道:“这是一场非常紧张的比赛,0-0的比分真是令人紧张。“但是球员们通过比赛并赢得胜利的心态确实代表了他们整个赛季的表现,所以我为他们感到骄傲,这对俱乐部来说是令人惊奇的一天。

“我们以非常好的心态进入比赛 –你不可能在每场比赛中都踢出漂亮的足球,今天你在比赛中看到了两种不同风格的足球。

“But the resilience and mentality really pushes us on to keep fighting and keep working, and eventually our drive and desire to win the game shines through.“I said to the players beforehand that when they arrive into this game today, it’s not the week’s preparation leading into it, it’s all about the other 51 weeks and how you work and how you’re discipline is, how your mentality is and your professionalism.“That all then drives through into a game like today.It was Brendan Rodgers who brought Adam Idah to the club in January, on loan from Norwich City, and the Irish striker repaid the faith shown in him by his fellow countryman, scoring nine vital goals including today’s winner at Hampden.“To score a winning goal in a Scottish Cup final, and especially coming from Ireland, it’s a fairytale really and I’m so pleased for him,” said the manager.“He came in and he was not playing so much at Norwich, but I’d seen him before and I know the talent he has, and I think he still has so much improvement to make, but I’m really pleased for him.“For me he’s been the single biggest catalyst of our run-in, certainly since he’s come in back in January, the importance he’s brought to the team, the reference he’s given the team. He’s shared the load with Kyogo and I’m so happy for him.“We want to win and we want to win trophies consistently, so coming here you have to play well and have confidence that you can do that. So it’s nice to be able to finish with a double.”

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