查里蒂在凯尔特人公园球场获胜,凯尔特人传奇队 4-2 击败多特蒙德传奇队

查里蒂在凯尔特人公园球场获胜,凯尔特人传奇队 4-2 击败多特蒙德传奇队

随着我们目前的凯尔特人英雄在周六锁定双冠王,轮到过去的传奇队以时尚的方式结束本赛季了,因为他们在凯尔特人队以4-2击败了多特蒙德传奇队FC 基金会慈善赛由Dafabet赞助。在凯尔特人队的鼎力支持下,超过 30,000 人在凯尔特人公园球场观看了比赛,帮助筹集了超过 20 万英镑的净善款。保罗·兰伯特 (Paul Lambert)、汤姆·博伊德 (Tom Boyd) 和托什·麦金利 (Tosh McKinlay) 负责这场比赛凯尔特人队的教练席和斯科特·布朗回到了队长位置,其他球员还有阿图尔·博鲁克、迈克尔·麦戈文、米凯尔·勒斯蒂格、埃米利奥·伊扎吉雷、达伦·奥黛、斯蒂芬·麦克马纳斯 (Stephen McManus)、查理·马尔格鲁、埃菲·安布罗斯、斯蒂利扬·彼得罗夫、乔·莱德利、巴里·罗布森、西蒙·唐纳利 (Simon Donnelly)、肖恩·马洛尼 (Shaun Maloney)、加里·胡珀 (Gary Hooper)、海塞林克 (Hesselink) 的扬·维内古尔 (Jan Vennegoor) 和乔吉奥斯·萨马拉斯 (Georgios Samaras)。开球前,凯尔特人队主教练布伦丹·罗杰斯 (Brendan Rodgers) 和詹姆斯·福雷斯特 (James Forrest) 在天堂球场的欢呼声中庆祝了 SPFL 奖杯以及苏格兰杯。传奇队随后走上球场,合唱了标志性的“你永远不会独行”,这是两家具乐部的代名词。这位传奇球员也因身着绿色球衣而闻名。白色、黄色和黑色的默多·麦克劳德 (Murdo MacLeod) 来到公园为我们开球。篮球队前锋在上半场火力全开,乔治·萨马拉斯 (Georgios Samaras) 和加里·胡珀 (Gary Hooper) 逆转岁月,帮助博伊队 2-0开场 20 分钟内取得领先。大卫·奥东科尔 (David Odonkor) 为多特蒙德队扳回一球,但加里·胡珀 (Gary Hooper) 典型的冷静射门让他们在半场结束前恢复了两球领先优势。中场休息后,保罗·兰伯特 (Paul Lambert) 为客队出场,因为凯尔特人在下半场初期占据了主导地位。多特蒙德在库巴·布拉什奇科夫斯基的帮助下在最后时刻缩小了比分差距,但凯尔特人队几乎立刻就在另一端取得了领先,查理·马尔格鲁攻入了最后一球,以 4-2 结束了比赛,并送出了支持者回家快乐。

Funds raised through the match will focus on feeding people in need of support, to reflect the heritage of the Club and respond to the current cost of living crisis, which is overwhelming so many families and individuals.This will include continuation and development of Celtic FC Foundation’s Paradise Pit Stop project at Celtic Park.In addition, we will look to secure new locations for food provision with local partners in Inverclyde and Lanarkshire, plus London and Ireland to complement our current delivery of key projects in those areas.With Scott Brown having captained the side, we’re delighted to confirm that a donation of £25K will be made to Dundee Cancer Centre at Ninewells Hospital, in memory of his sister Fiona, who sadly passed away in 2008 aged just 21.And a donation of €9,009 has also been made to support the work of the BVB Foundation.Celtic FC Foundation would like to thank all of the Legends who participated, our opponents Borussia Dortmund, our match sponsor Dafabet, Brendan Rodgers, James Forrest, Murdo MacLeod, our colleagues at Celtic Football Club, all of those who have contributed or donated and each and every supporter who purchased a ticket.Tony Hamilton, Foundation Chief Executive said: "Sunday’s Legends match was a massive success, and we’re incredibly grateful to everyone behind the scenes who made this event happen.“We’re also enormously thankful to all the ex-Celts who played a part, and our friends from Germany, Borussia Dortmund.“The Celtic support turned out in great numbers, as they always do, to get behind the match, and thanks to their outstanding generosity, we can now push ahead with our plans to help even more people in our communities.”For those who couldn’t make the match today, you can still offer your support by making a donation online HERE or by texting ‘CELTIC’ followed by ‘£1’, ‘£5’ or ‘£10’ to 70085**Texts will cost the donation amount, plus one standard rate message.

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