

亚当·伊达今天在汉普顿公园对阵流浪者队的比赛中最后时刻的进球为凯尔特人队赢得了苏格兰杯爱尔兰前锋表示这是他打进的最重要的进球。赛后接受凯尔特人电视台采访时,伊达回顾了他的进球并分享了他能够为凯尔特人队赢得更多奖杯的喜悦。“我以前对阵流浪者队时进球过,但我认为这一次是最重要的,”他说。 “我欣喜若狂。“这是我们想要实现的目标,我很高兴我们做到了。


The Irishman's 89th minute winner sent the green and white half of Hampden into hysteria, and in living rooms and bars across the world, the scenes would have been the same.Reflecting on that support and what it means to him, Idah said: “Ever since I’ve come to Celtic, the reception I’ve had is fantastic.“I had a lot of people here for me in the stadium and I know everyone back home would have been watching so it’s a fantastic feeling."His strike in today’s final takes Idah’s tally to nine goals since for the Celts joining in January, and the forward has praised Brendan Rodgers for the role that the manager played in bringing him to the club and giving him the self-belief to perform in the Hoops.“I was always confident in my own ability,” he said. “People might say that I didn’t have the best stats at Norwich.“But speaking to the gaffer before signing, he gave me the confidence to go and prove myself to people. I hope I’ve done that and repaid the gaffer.”

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