凯尔特人队凭借亚当·伊达 (Adam Idah) 的进球,双倍下注并赢得苏格兰杯

凯尔特人队凭借亚当·伊达 (Adam Idah) 的进球,双倍下注并赢得苏格兰杯

苏格兰杯决赛2024年5月25日格拉斯哥汉普顿公园凯尔特人...1(Idah 89)流浪者...0凯尔特人在今天以1-0击败流浪者后,第42次赢得苏格兰杯决赛在汉普顿公园球场举行。亚当·伊达 (Adam Idah) 在最后时刻戏剧性的进球赢得了比赛,这将永远留在凯尔特人足球俱乐部的每个人的记忆中,爱尔兰人的进球意味着凯尔特人队在赛季中第 13 次赢得联赛和苏格兰杯双冠王。俱乐部的历史。上半场双方都没有提供太多重大机会,比赛第8分钟就出现了第一次机会。卡梅伦·卡特-维克斯向左翼前田大善长传被控制在他将球传入禁区之前,由前锋击中。京吾在前门柱处于有利位置,但无法将球直接射向球门。十分钟后,阿利斯泰尔·约翰斯顿(Alistair Johnston)的滑倒给了法比奥·席尔瓦(Fabio Silva)射门的机会,乔·哈特(Joe Hart)被召集起来。哈特在他最后一次职业出场中,射门平准,保持了比赛的水平。上半场的主要话题是在比赛进行了不到 25 分钟时。格雷格·泰勒 (Greg Taylor) 打入禁区的球击中了本·戴维斯 (Ben Davies) 的手臂,这看起来像是一个明确的惩罚。裁判尼克·沃尔什判给了角球,经过VAR审查后,这一决定成立。仅仅一分钟后,卡梅伦·卡特-维克斯在禁区内提出了一个巨大的挑战,阻止了对手的射门。

Early in the second half, James Forrest cut in from the right wing and burst in to the box, but the winger was unable to get a clean shot at goal.Just before the hour mark, Rangers thought they had made the breakthrough after James Tavernier’s corner found its way to Abdallah Sima who headed it in to the net. The celebrations were short-lived though, as a VAR review showed that Joe Hart had been fouled by Nicolas Raskin in the build-up and so the goal was correctly disallowed.The Ibrox side carved out other chances in the second half but their inability to make them count, combined with Celtic’s determination in defence meant that they were unable to make the breakthrough. The game looked to be heading for extra-time when, in the 89th minute, Paolo Bernardo, who had been brought on 10 minutes previously, went charging towards the Rangers penalty area with the ball at his feet.The entire Celtic end of the stadium was willing him to shoot, which he duly did. His shot was saved by Jack Butland but the rebounded ball fell to the feet of Adam Idah, who slammed it in to the net and sparked wild celebrations amongst the Celtic faithful. The referee added eight minutes on at the end of the game, and although Rangers pushed desperately to try and find an equaliser, the resilience of the Scottish champions shone through, and proved to be the difference. When the final whistle went, the sense of joy, relief and exhaustion amongst the Celtic support, players and management was palpable as the celebrations began. It was also an emotional moment for Joe Hart, with today’s match being the last of his professional career, a career which now ends with him as a Scottish Double winner with Celtic.Adam Idah’s name will now be etched into Celtic’s history as the man who won the Scottish Cup with a late goal against Rangers, but credit must go to the entire Celtic team, who dug deep and drove themselves to Scottish Cup glory in the 150th  anniversary year of the tournament.Celtic’s history contains so many dramatic late winners and moments which have inspired generations of fans to describe Celtic as a fairytale club. Today’s result and the nature of Celtic’s victory will only add to the magic that surrounds this grand old team.It is fitting, too, that on May 25, the most iconic date in the history of the club, Celtic not only win the Scottish Cup and clinch a sensational league and cup double, but they do it in typically dramatic Celtic fashion. It is another extraordinary tale that will be shared and celebrated for years to come, as Celtic supporters reflect on THAT Adam Idah goal and on a day that yet more silverware was added to Celtic Football Club’s glittering history.

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