

我们很高兴地报道周四英格兰足球在女子足球颁奖典礼上取得巨大成功的夜晚。该奖项旨在表彰女子足球领域的杰出成就,许多过去和现在的女狮都获得了奖项。高级老板萨琳娜·维格曼(Sarina Wiegman)被任命为经理去年夏天带领她的球队进入世界杯决赛后,或成为年度最佳教练。维格曼说:“我要感谢投票给我的球迷。球迷们一直支持我们,这使得这变得更加特别。”

Three other current Lionesses also scooped awards.Georgia Stanway won the Best International Footballer of the Year prize after an impressive 12 months in which she excelled at Bayern Munich and finished 23rd in the Ballon d'Or standings.Goalkeeper Mary Earps won yet another gong, this time claiming the World Cup Hero award after her inspirational performances in Australia and New Zealand.Maya Le Tissier was the third recipient of current players, winning the Young Player of the Year.

Legendary Lionesses Alex Scott and Steph Houghton were also successful, winning the Football Broadcaster or Journalist of the Year and Inspirational Role Model awards respectively.And we are also thrilled that the Best Social Media Campaign prize was awarded to The FA's Lionesses coverage.Natalie Gibson collected the award on behalf of Louise Selsby and Craig Barrett, whose excellent work was crucial to the nomination.

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