

萨琳娜·维格曼 (Sarina Wiegman) 的英格兰队中有一批新面孔参加今年夏天的 2025 年欧洲杯预选赛。阿吉·比弗-琼斯 首次入选主力阵容,奖励她在切尔西国内赛中的出色表现,而伯明翰队的露西·泰勒 (Lucy Taylor) 米西·博·卡恩斯利物浦队和托特纳姆热刺队的杰西卡·纳兹在候补名单上,但仍然与圣乔治公园的球员会合。在本周与法国队的关键两场比赛之前,我们赶上了所有球员四名球员了解他们如何收到这个消息以及他们希望在今年夏天实现什么目标。Aggie Beever-Jones 说:“Sarina 打电话给我,最初我以为人们会告诉我我需要更换窗户,因为他们在过去的一个月里一直没有停止给我打电话!所以我接了电话——想着“别打扰我”——然后就结束了,因为第二次萨丽娜的脸出现在我的手机上,我意识到我。我一开始应该感到非常震惊。她只是告诉我让我的脚说话并享受它。到目前为止一切都很棒,每个人都很热情。如果我能在今年夏天首次亮相,那就太棒了,但我的主要重点是好好训练并向大家展示我的能力。”

Lucy Thomas said:"It's been a bit of a mad week because I was only called up a couple of days ago. It was Amy Merricks (Birmingham manager) who told me to start with and then Sarina called me shortly after that. I was definitely not expecting it. My mum was actually due to be coming to stay with me for a few days so I had to tell her what was happening but make sure she still comes as I need someone to look after my dog! She's looking after my dog for the next week and a half now. She was the first person I told the news and she was really happy. It says something about the standard of the Championship that I have been selected and it also means my decision to stay at that level and play first-team football has paid off. I just want to learn as much as possible over the next few weeks, show the best of myself and hopefully give the coaches a reason to pick me again."

Missy Bo Kearns said:"I was walking to the cinema with my boyfriend when I got the call. It was an unknown number and I didn't have a clue who it was so I ignored it at first. The second time I answered and it was Sarina. I was just staring at my boyfriend as she spoke and he was a bit confused. Normally I don't struggle for words but I just couldn't get the words out, I was so emotional and excited. I was planning to spend some time relaxing on holiday but this is far better, it's everything I wanted to achieve. I understand I'm on the standby list and it's a process but I want to develop and play my game. I'm here and ready if called upon."

Jessica Naz said:"Sarina gave me the call. It was the day after we'd lost the FA Cup Final to Manchester United so it was quite a mad 24 hours. I was emotional, really sad about the defeat, and then I got a call saying I was on the standby list. When I initially broke through at Arsenal I remember Leah Williamson giving us a talk about how she's come through the age groups so it's quite surreal to be training alongside players like her now. This is a new opportunity for me to learn and a chance to show myself. This is the environment I want to be in."

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