

加雷斯·索斯盖特 (Gareth Southgate) 对球队的努力感到满意,因为他们在圣詹姆斯公园球场与波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那进行了 2024 年欧洲杯热身赛。下半场的三个进球 – 包括第一个成年国家队进球科尔·帕尔默 (Cole Palmer) 的努力足以在贾拉德·布兰思韦特 (Jarrad Branthwaite) 和亚当·沃顿 (Adam Wharton) 首次亮相三狮军团的夜晚赢得令人信服的胜利。轻松 3-0 获胜特伦特·亚历山大·阿诺德 (Trent Alexander-Arnold) 和哈里·凯恩 (Harry Kane) 也在进球表上,索斯盖特 (Southgate) 反思了出色的工作。他告诉第四频道:“从身体上来说,这是一次很好的锻炼。”我们必须要有耐心。我们觉得最终我们会创造机会,结果就是这样。得分线反映了表现。我认为得分更多是不可避免的。我们也引进了很多新球员。球队首发出场的次数并不多,所以总有可能出现一个棘手的开局。”

The Three Lions boss was particularly pleased with the efforts of Palmer and Ebere Eze, who impressed on the left flank in the first half.Southgate said: "Ebere has got a lovely way in which he goes past people through the centre of the pitch. He's got power, so I'm really happy with what he did."I thought Cole a couple of times was trying to be too precise to get the touch to open up the shot and maybe if he'd got his shot away a little earlier a couple of times he could have had more himself."

Kane played the final 30 minutes of this match and Southgate revealed that his skipper will start the final warm-up against Iceland at Wembley later this week.He said: "Our plan [with Kane] today was half an hour. He will start on Friday and he looks in good shape."The great thing is we have got through the last few days with no big problems. That's really important, we needed to get through these few matches."I may have a few more selection headaches after tonight but that's a good thing. I would rather we had good performances that caused you to think than poor performances. There were lots of individual things I was really pleased with."

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