

卢克·肖是最新一位担任我们最喜欢的十一人阵容的英格兰球员。这位边后卫选择了他的终极英格兰队,其中包括前任和现任队友以及其他三狮军团传奇人物。肖将他的球队设置为 3- 5-2 阵型,从他首次参加国家队首秀开始,英格兰队的头号球星就为我们开场。


Right centre-back: Kyle WalkerHe's so important for the team. His speed, his aggression, I think he's one of the best one-v-one defenders in the world. Whenever he plays you always feel secure because he's got that pace that can help the backline. He's a leader on the pitch, he talks a lot to the lads and he's got a lot more experience. He knows how to win.Centre-back: John TerryHe was so good. He wasn't gifted with much natural pace but the way he read the game was so clever, his positioning, and he rarely got caught out. He was a massive leader in every team he played in, he was a warrior, and he always put himself on the line.Left centre-back: Ashley ColeGrowing up, he was my idol. I always looked up to him and I always believed in his career that he was the best in his position, both defending and attacking. He was extremely good in all aspects and he will arguably go down as one of the best left-backs we've had.

Right midfield: David BeckhamHe had the best delivery in world football. He was very good in that position and was so deadly with his assists. He's a massive icon for English football, probably the biggest to come out of England with everything to do with football and outside of football. Centre midfield: Paul ScholesHe was one of the best passers ever. Every single manager wanted Scholes in his prime. He made teams tick and he has to be in.Centre midfield: Michael CarrickHe was probably the most underrated player I've ever seen in football. Until I joined Manchester United I didn't realise how good he was and how important he was for the team. He had everything you needed for a pivot. He was always in the right positions and defended well, interceptions. All of that he was brilliant at. The best aspect of his game was the way he placed the ball. He made everything look so simple. He was unbelievable, he had everything.Centre midfield: Frank LampardLampard in that advanced role has to be in. His goalscoring record was an absolute joke. I don't think a midfielder will catch it to be honest, he was so far ahead of so many top players. It was mad. But also he could press well, he could stay in position, he could do the ugly stuff. But it's the goals that made him what he is and they are why he has to be in.Left midfield: Joe ColeI sound biased because I was a Chelsea fan but he was so, so good. You need someone clever to be able to pick up spaces between the lines, fluid with their dribbling, tight ball control and to unlock the door for you. He was really good at that.

Striker: Harry KaneThis is an easy one. I could pick other people but Harry is one of the best finishers I've ever seen, he scores everything around the box. But also he picks passes and I've not seen a striker who can do both things so well. He's the best striker in the world.Striker: Wayne RooneyThere's no way I can miss out one of the best players for England ever. He was a player England relied on and you saw when he picked up injuries how badly it affected us. His hunger, his work rate, his passing ability, his goals, he had everything.

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