


Football Australia and Football Northern Territory acknowledge Garuda Football Club as the Club Changer, Club of the Month for their dedication in offering a family-friendly accessible and diverse club, with a drive to continue increasing their women and girls’ offerings and participation.Starting as a social gathering of mates in 2008 that became a men’s team competing in the local Football NT competitions, Garuda Football Club in 2021 embarked on the challenge of expanding their club and introducing the MiniRoos program at their club to cater for groups of children that would come and kick a ball around on the same local training ground. Now over 100 registered participants strong, Garuda FC continues to go from strength to strength making sure their club is accessible and welcome for all.“I’m most looking forward to is… welcoming more children, and just supporting the ones that we have in being the best they can on the field and off the field as well.” – Serina Henderson, MiniRoos Co-ordinator & Committee MemberUtilising the Club Changer program, Garuda FC continue to work towards their key focus of increasing women and girls participation across the age ranges of their club. The club set a key objective to gauge their members interest for girls only MiniRoos teams prior to the season, and successfully achieved this by now having two girls only MiniRoos teams in 2024 for the first time.“Hoping to alleviate some of the costs of living pressures at home and then allows kids to come and simply enjoy the world game” – Tony Lim, Club PresidentGaruda Football Club continue to drive the accessibility of their club. Relying heavily on sponsorship and fundraising, the club reinvests the money raised towards the costs of the running the club, as well as accepting NT School Sports vouchers, helping to reduce registration fees with the goal to maintain participation at the club affordable for families.“The Garuda Gazette… is amazing work and shining a real light on the club and a fabulous culture!” – Paula Da Costa, FNT Office ManagerIn 2023 the club has established the Garuda Gazette, a monthly newsletter that highlights and celebrates special events or wins at the club, that they send to the clubs’ community, helping to build a strong club culture amongst volunteers, players and members.Congratulations Garuda Football Club!Your club could be the next Club Changer Club of the Month, visit www.footballaustralia.com.au/clubchanger and learn more.

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